Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1907, Supreme Court Judges were paid $7,000 per year and district and surrogate judges were paid $6,000 per year.

A parent wanting a variation can apply to or be referred to the Support Variation Project and the Project staff will contact the other parent. Assuming the other parent agrees to the Support Variation Project's involvement, both parents are then screened based on the project's criteria. If the parents meet the project's criteria, the Support Variation Project will help the two come to an agreement about the change. When agreement can be reached, the Project prepares the court documents or agreement. Once the parents have sought independent legal advice, the order or agreement is filed with the court. If the judge approves it, the order is entered and the Project provide the parents with copies. Support payments are then governed by the new order or agreement.

If the parent cannot reach agreement with the Project's help, the facilitated variation process is terminated.

The Support Variation Project does not provide legal advice, nor does it represent the parties in court.

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