Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?

In 1915, The King's Bench Act was passed abolishing the Supreme Court and creating "his Majesty's Court of King's Bench for Saskatchewan."

Registration Fee: $425.00 + GST

Designed for those who have completed the "Resolving Conflict Constructively" workshop

This three day workshop will be of interest to anyone who wishes to gain a general understanding of the mediation process, its principles, techniques and applications. This training is intended to be the base upon which participants can build their mediation skills by taking advanced training in areas of interest to them. The workshop provides opportunities to practise skills in role play scenarios and will include small and large group discussion in the following areas:

  • A review of conflict theory, interests and communication skills;
  • The roles of the mediator;
  • An examination of constructive approaches to conflict resolution from the mediator's perspective;
  • Intake, assessment and screening protocols - when mediation is most effective;
  • Co-mediation;
  • Caucusing;
  • How to sustain momentum and resolve impasses;
  • Ethics, standards of practice and professional organizations


March 18, 19 and 20, 2008

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