Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
In 1907, Supreme Court Judges were paid $7,000 per year and district and surrogate judges were paid $6,000 per year.

The Mini-Modules are designed to fit into various time frames from 1.5 hours to a full day. Comprised of components from longer training workshops, these modules can be customized to address specific issues or areas of interest. Unlike the longer workshops, these modules have more facilitator presentation and less hands-on practice time. Some interactive elements are included.

Topics for the mini-modules include the following:

  • Causes of conflict, how conflict escalates, and different ways of dealing with conflict;
  • How unresolved conflict escalates;
  • A constructive approach for decision-making and conflict resolution;
  • Communication skills - active listening, questioning techniques, and reframing;
  • How to act as a positive sounding board within your workplace;
  • Raising issues constructively;
  • Respect in the workplace;
  • Reactions to change and transitions, encouraging resiliency in times of change;
  • Introduction to interests and needs - what is important to people, what they are trying to accomplish, what are the motivations behind the positions people take;
  • A model for a constructive approach to problem solving;
  • Leading processes in a fair manner while at the same time advancing your own needs and interests;
  • The impact of culture and systems in organizations;
  • Understanding the role of leadership throughout organizations.


Please contact our office at (306) 787-5376 for further information.

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