Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saskatchewan Justice
Provincial Budget 2006 - 2007
Safer Communities and Neighbourhoods Investigations
Who Knew?
John Lamont, the first Attorney General, was elected a Liberal MP for the Saskatchewan constituency of the NWT in 1904.
323 - 3085 Albert St.,
Regina SK S4S 0B1
Phone: (306) 787-9905
Fax: (306) 787-0107
Toll-free: 1-888-218-2822 Regina Area
7th Fl, First Nation's Bank Bldg
224-4th Ave. S., Saskatoon SK S7K 2H6
Phone: (306) 964-4401
Fax: (306) 933-5535
Toll-free: 1-877-964-5501 Northern Area 

The Parent Education Program offers parent education and information sessions to people dealing with family breakdown. The program does not provide lawyers or legal services. It is recommended that everyone involved in a family law matter consult with a lawyer.  If you do not have a lawyer, you may choose to contact Legal Aid or the Lawyer Referral Line toll-free in Saskatchewan at 1-800-667-9886. Parent education and information sessions are offered in several communities in Saskatchewan. Pre-registration through toll-free numbers is required to assure separating partners do no attend the same sessions.

Attendance in the majority of centres is voluntary; however, in October 2001, legislative amendments were made to allow the Ministry of Justice and Attorney General to pilot a mandatory Parent Education Program in the judicial centres of Saskatoon and Yorkton. In September 2003, the judicial centres of Prince Albert and Regina were added. In these four judicial centres, every person commencing a family law proceeding in which custody, access or child support is an issue is required to attend parent education programming.

  • Stages of Separation and Divorce
  • Options for Resolving Disputes
  • Children's Reaction to Separation and Divorce
  • Parenting after Separation and Divorce

How do the parent education and information sessions help people dealing with family breakdown?

  • Parents who understand their own feelings as well as their children's reactions are more likely to focus on their children's best interests and to cooperate in resolving disputes.
  • Participants have a greater awareness of the full range of appropriate dispute resolution options available to them.
  • Participants have an increased awareness of how the separation process and their dispute resolution choices may affect their children.

Where are these workshops available?
Public information sessions on separation and divorce have been offered in Regina and Saskatoon since 1995. Sessions are offered in 11 centres: Estevan, La Ronge, Meadow Lake, Moose Jaw, North Battleford, Swift Current and Weyburn, as well as the Mandatory Parent Education Sessions in, Prince Albert, Regina, Saskatoon, and Yorkton.

How much does it cost? How do I register?
The workshops are free-of-charge. However, you must pre-register to attend. In Regina call 787-9460 or 1-888-218-2822 toll-free in Saskatchewan. To contact the Saskatoon office call 964-4401 or 1-877-964-5501 toll-free.

A minimum of eight registrants is required for each session.

Do I have to attend with my partner?
No. Separating partners and ex-partners do not attend the same session.

When are the sessions? How long are they?
For information about the schedule for sessions in your area call the Parent Education Program in Regina at 787-9460 or 1-888-218-2822 toll-free in Saskatchewan. To contact the Saskatoon office call 964-4401 or 1-877-964-5501 toll-free.

Each session is a total of six hours. These sessions are facilitated by social workers and/or mediators.

Where can I get more information?
For more information or specific dates and locations of sessions call the Parent Education Program at the location nearest to you:

787-9460; or toll free 1-888-218-2822

964-4401; or toll free 1-877-964-5501

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