Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Throne Speech 2007
Mid-Year Financial Report
Innovative by Nature
Sask Jobs ad
Who knew?
The Athabasca Sand Dunes is the largest active sand surface in Canada and one of the most northerly set of major dune fields in the world.
The Building Futures website provides easy access to information on helpful programs and services from child care subsidies to housing, jobs to training and everything in between.  
We've got a good job in the health care field just waiting for you.  Find out who is hiring and where! 

Find out about Saskatchewan-introduced innovations that are changing your future. 

A website created by the Saskatchewan Rotary Youth Foundation to help young people plan for a bright future in the province.   
L'Office de coordination des affaires francophones (l'OCAF) a entrepris ses activités le 16 avril 1990. L'OCAF découle de l'Entente Canada-Saskatchewan de 1988 qui a pour objet la promotion du statut et de l'usage du français et de l'anglais. Depuis, une troisième entente fédérale-provinciale, l'Entente Canada-Saskatchewan pour les services en français (2005-2006 à 2008-2009) a été signée en mars 2006. L'OCAF est le principal organisme de mise en oeuvre de cette entente.

Assistance for today, solutions for tomorrow.  This site will help you decrease your energy use and increase your savings. 

Go where the jobs are!  Your next career move in Saskatchewan could be a few clicks away. 
Information for Saskatchewan youth to build a bright future - right here!

Connecting designated workplaces looking for employees with the young people of the province looking for employment. 

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