Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Throne Speech 2007
Mid-Year Financial Report
Innovative by Nature
Sask Jobs ad
Who knew?
On November 10, 1930 the Albert Street Bridge, in Regina, was named the longest bridge in the world over the smallest stream.

Saskatchewan - a place of opportunity!

Saskatchewan is open for business.  With a low-cost of doing business, a strong and dedicted workforce, and world-leading innovations, your decision to do business in Saskatchewan is the first step in achieving success.

Looking to start a new business in Saskatchewan?

Visit the Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation for more information about business development in Saskatchewan.

Our province is a great place to live, work, play - and invest!  Find out how you can get in on the action.

Watch this video to find out a bit more about Saskatchewan's economy. 

Related Links

CSBSC provides accurate, timely and user-friendly information to help you make sound business decisions.


Related sites you may find useful
Check here before you head out.
Games, quizzes and other fun stuff!
Saskatchewan Health Line Online
Aboriginal Business Directory
Winter in Saskatchewan

What’s the best way to enjoy the great outdoors during Saskatchewan’s winter?

Playing street hockey
Walking the dog
Shovelling snow
Snowball fights
Building a snow fort

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