Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Throne Speech 2007
Mid-Year Financial Report
Innovative by Nature
Sask Jobs ad
Who knew?
February 2, 1948, the Saskatchewan Arts Board became the first arms-length government arts funding agency of its kind in North America.
Saskatchewan's Coat of Arms

Saskatchewan is represented by 58 Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) that are elected from a constituency.  MLAs are elected by voters in their constituency to represent the local interests, but must consider the best interests of the province as well. 

When the Legislative Assembly is in session, Members oversee government activities and can introduce, debate, analyze and amend Bills (proposed laws) on many issues that affect the lives of Saskatchewan people.  The Legislative Assembly is in session in the Fall and Spring, and opens at the call of the Premier.  MLAs work throughout the year in their constituencies. 

Related Links
A listing of the current Members of the Legislative Assembly can be found on the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan website.

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