Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Throne Speech 2007
Innovative by Nature
Health Careers in Saskatchewan
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Approximately 32,000,000 pounds of waste tire rubber has been recycled into usable, marketable items under the tire recycling program.

Message from Premier Brad Wall

Premier Brad Wall

In Saskatchewan, we are beginning a brand new kind of government for this province that we love.

Our vision is of a province whose best days are still ahead.

It's a vision worthy of this place of unspeakably vast and sweeping plains, of living skies, of forests and lakes, of First Nations and Métis and the sons and daughters of pioneers. It is a vision of a province destined to be a leader in the new west, and in Canada.

We are a government that has carefully measured each commitment we have made and will count even more carefully each commitment we keep.

We will endeavour to reflect the values of those we serve: hard work and a mixture of self-assurance combined with a healthy dose of humility.

We vow to be respectful, to be innovative and resourceful, to seek good counsel, to be honest, transparent and to work hard for the people of Saskatchewan.

The people of our province have bestowed on us a great albeit temporary honour; to be stewards of the public service, the public purse and of Saskatchewan's dreams.

This is the kind of government we will be.

Brad Wall
Premier of Saskatchewan


Read Premier Wall's biography.

Find out who makes up the Premier's Cabinet team.

News releases issued by Premier Brad Wall.

Read Premier Wall's speeches.

Photos of Premier Wall at a variety of events.

Information on congratulatory messages from Premier Brad Wall

The Premier's Award for Excellence in the Public Service is presented to members of Saskatchewan's public service (individuals, groups or teams) who have made outstanding on-the-job contributions to the government and citizens of the province.

Contact information for Premier Brad Wall

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