Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Throne Speech 2007
Mid-Year Financial Report
Innovative by Nature
Health Careers in Saskatchewan
Who Knew?
In 2005-2006, SARCAN recycled more than 279 million containers, reducing Saskatchewan's waste by more than 14,000 tonnes.
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Promotes Aboriginal community development, enabling Indian and Métis people to develop their own service delivery systems in urban settings.
Any community-based organization can log on, select, and receive used government furniture and office equipment, free of charge. Hundreds of items are listed including desks, chairs, filing cabinets, cell phones, computers and more. Register your group online and see what's available throughout Saskatchewan.
Regional Programs and Services Branch works towards identifying economic development partners and assisting them to leverage resources and pursue opportunities to enhance wealth and job creation in the province by.
The Community Planning Branch of Municipal Affairs provides planning tools and services to assist municipalities with planning and development.
The Municipal Relations Division administers various grants to municipalities. These grants include exclusive provincial programs and joint federal/provincial programs.
Neighbourhood Development Organizations (NDOs) are voluntary, non-government, legal entities that were established for the purpose of reducing poverty in the inner-city.
The Northern Administration District (NAD) includes approximately half of Saskatchewan's land area, but less than four per cent of the province's population.
The Northern Development Fund is a significant funding tool to promote economic development and planning in the North. Loans and business grants are available to help your organization.
Compiled by Saskatchewan Northern Affairs and published by Keewatin Career Development Corporation the Northern Saskatchewan Business Directory lists goods and services in Saskatchewan's Northern Administration District
REDAs are voluntary, non-government, legal entities whose membership is principally local governments, Aboriginal groups and businesses.
SchoolPlus is a province-wide initiative led by Saskatchewan Learning and the provincial education system that promotes learning success and well-being for every child and young person. It envisions a province where every school is actively improving student outcomes through the delivery of a strong learning program and serving as a centre for social, health and other services for children and their families.

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