Government of Saskatchewan
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Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Throne Speech 2007
Mid-Year Financial Report
Innovative by Nature
Sask Jobs ad
Who knew?
World-renowned Plains-Cree artist, Allen Sapp, paints from recollections of growing up on the Red Pheasant Indian Reserve.  His works have won him several awards including the Order of Canada.
Related Programs
The Aboriginal Career Connections (ACC) program can provide you with six months to three years paid work experience and put your education to work!
Promotes Aboriginal training and employment in the province.
Canada-Saskatchewan Career and Employment Service offices help Saskatchewan people to plan a career, upgrade their education or skills, and find a job.
The Employability Assistance for People With Disabilities (EAPD) Program provides funding to assist adults with disabilities to prepare for, secure and maintain employment. Various supports are offered, including training-on-the-job, vocational and work assessments, psycho-educational assessments, job coaching, support for employers and disability-related costs in a wide variety of post-secondary education and training programs.
The tax credit rebates 45 per cent of the total wages of all Saskatchewan labour for Saskatchewan productions and co-productions.
The Career Centre lists all jobs currently available in the Saskatchewan public service, as well as resources and tools to help you with your career.
A no-fee health care recruitment service connecting health professionals with career opportunities in regional health authorities and the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency.
The student employment program provides summer positions throughout the province. Positions can include park attendants, information clerks, highways workers and many more.
JobStart/Future Skills links training to employment. The program provides a range of skills training solutions for Saskatchewan people. The program is offered in partnership with Saskatchewan businesses, industry associations, individuals, public training institutions and other training deliverers
The Labour Relations and Mediation Division provides information, training, mediation and bargaining assistance to labour and management in unionized workplaces.
Promotes and enforces provincial employment standards established under\n^ The Labour Standards Act\n.
Information and services to keep Saskatchewan people safe at work by preventing and reducing on-the-job accidents and illnesses.
Standards established with respect to the structure and administration of pension plans, as well as, to the investment and ongoing funding of plans.
The Public Employees Benefits Agency (PEBA) is a central body within the Department of Finance, Government of Saskatchewan to administer pension and benefit programs for employees of the Executive Government, Crown Corporations and Government Funded Bodies.
The Public Employees Deferred Salary Leave Plan allows employees of participating agencies to defer a portion of their salary for a period of 12 to 72 months. The salary must be used to finance a leave of absence for any reason for durations of six to 12 months.
The Public Employees Dental Plan provides dental care coverage to employees of Executive Government, several Crown Corporations and Various Agencies, Boards and Commissions as approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
The Public Employees Disability Income Plan provides long-term disability benefits to employees of Executive Government, several Crown Corporations and various Agencies, Boards and Commissions.
The Public Employees Extended Health Care Plan provides coverage of certain medical services and supplies given or ordered by a physician not reimbursed from the provincial medical plan.
The Public Employees Pension Plan (PEPP) is a multi-employer pension plan. Participating employers include the Government of Saskatchewan, certain crown corporations, agencies, boards and other institutions designated by the Lieutenant Governor in Council.
The Public Service Superannuation (PSSP) came\ninto effect on May 1, 1927. The enrolment of new\nmembers terminated with the inception of The Public Employees Pension Plan on Oct 1, 1977.
The Ready for Work initiatives are directed towards helping Saskatchewan young people make a positive transition from school to work.
The Representative Workforce Strategy focuses on working with employers to identify employment needs and remove existing barriers to Aboriginal employment in the workplace.
The purpose of Saskatchewan Health's Bursary program is to retain and recruit needed health care professionals to meet the needs of the people of Saskatchewan. The Saskatchewan Health Bursary is offered to students in a variety of health disciplines.
The Saskatchewan Relocation Program allows health workforce employees residing outside Saskatchewan to apply for up to $5,000 to assist with relocation costs, in return for a one-year commitment to work in Saskatchewan.
The Saskatchewan Rural, Northern and Hard-to-Recruit Program provides health workforce employees living in or outside Saskatchewan with a return-for-service grant, in exchange for accepting a northern, rural or hard-to-recruit position within the province.
Saskatchewan Pension Plan (SPP) is a voluntary, money purchase plan designed to provide a pension plan for individuals with little or no access to private pensions or other retirement savings arrangements.
SaskJobs provides job seekers and employers with assistance to find and post employment opportunities in Saskatchewan.
The SaskNetWork web site is about helping the people of Saskatchewan connect to the resources they need in the areas of jobs, work, education and training, career planning, self-employment, labour market information, financial help and the workplace.
The Final Report of the Minister's Advisory Committee on Status of the Artist was released in July 2006.
The Status of Women Office works to achieve social, economic and political equality for women.
The Teachers Superannuation Plan is a defined benefits plan that provides retirement benefits for Saskatchewan teachers.
TEA provides some income to people who are looking for work with the help of the Jobs First program, waiting for their first paycheque, or waiting for income from some other source.
A no-fault system that protects employers and workers against the result of workplace injuries.
The Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) is a system designed to reduce the risk from hazardous products in the workplace. It is governed by both Federal and Provincial Laws.

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