Work Shouldn't Hurt

SAFE Work is an injury and illness prevention strategy developed by the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) and the Workplace Safety and Health Division (WSHD). The goal is to reduce time-loss injury rate in the workplace by 25 percent over five years with the participation of industry, labour and educational organizations.

Providing public access to information is an important component of the SAFE Work strategy. It is important to know the three basic rights all Manitobans have in the workplace:

  1. The right to know - about what hazards there are in the workplace and what precautions must be taken to prevent injuries from these hazards.
  2. The right to participate - in safety and health activities in the workplace without fear of any form of discriminatory action such as discipline.
  3. The right to refuse - work that one reasonably believes can be dangerous to oneself or others.

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Injury Statistics

SAFE Work Injury Statistics bring together the workplace injury data from most major industries that conduct business in Manitoba. These statistics are broken down into the five categories below. From these pages you can also download a PDF of these reports.

View Injury Statistics

Customized Injury Reports

Immediate insight on industry injuries. Customized reports based on reliable research.

It's coming a mouse near you.

Public Awareness Campaigns

A cornerstone of the SAFE Work initiative is a public awareness campaign using television, radio, outdoor, print media, and the internet. Here you can enjoy our multimedia campaigns and download our print material.

Watch Hazards "Hazards"
The spot that launched the simple four-step SAFE model.

Watch Video (2.4 MB WMV)

Watch Work Shouldn't Hurt "Work Shouldn't Hurt"
Some things in life hurt. But work should never be one of those things.

Watch Video (4.2 MB WMV)

Watch The Day After Part One "The Day After - Part One"
Young man's first day at work following a workplace death.

Watch Video (4.9 MB WMV)

Listen to Everyone's Responsibility "Everyone's Responsibility"
Most workplace accidents involve new and younger workers.

Listen (320 KB MP3)

View Print Ads "Print Campaign"
Selection of print materials produced to promote the SAFE Work message

View Print Ads (2.9 MB PDF)

More SAFE Work Campaigns