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Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program

What is the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program?
The Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program is a service developed by the WCB in consultation with employers. It was designed to be more sensitive to the seasonal fluctuations common to most industries.

In the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program, you report workers' actual paid earnings at the end of each quarter, calculate your assessment due based on those earnings, and send in your payment.

Who is eligible to participate in the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program?
All firms who have assessable workers' earnings of $50,000.00 or more annually, are eligible for this program.

If your firm is part of an associated group and a firm within the group does not meet the annual $50,000.00 earnings minimum, the smaller firm can participate in the program. To be defined as a firm in an associated group, there must be common majority ownership by either an individual, group of people, or family member.

How does the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program differ from the Annual Estimating Reporting Program?
Assessment Structure: The fundamental difference between the two programs is that the Annual Estimating Reporting Program uses an estimate of workers' earnings to determine your assessment.

Because estimates are usually not accurate, your assessment may also not be accurate.

The Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program eliminates the need to provide estimates. You calculate your assessment based on actual paid worker's earnings.

Completion of Forms: In the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program, you must complete four quarterly earnings reports due April 20th, July 20th, October 20th, and January 20th and an annual reconciliation form due February 28th.

In the Annual Estimating Reporting Program, you must complete one annual statement due February 28th, and revise your estimate as needed.

Payment of Assessment: In the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program, payment is due with the completed earnings report, or four times per year.

In the Annual Estimating Reporting Program, 40% of the yearly assessment is due 30 days from the date the Account Statement is issued, 30% due August 31st and 30% due October 31st, or three times per year. Amendments to the estimate are due 30 days from the date of the account statement.

What are some of the benefits of the Quarterly Actual Reporting Program?
During your busy time when labour costs increase, you pay assessments based on the higher labour costs. Accordingly, during your slower time when labour costs decrease, you pay assessments based on the lower labour costs.

This program eliminates the need to estimate earnings based on contracts that are still in the tendering process.

Because estimates are not used in quarterly reporting, over/under interest is not calculated in the years you participate in the program.

How does the system work?
A Quarterly Annual Reconciliation form is sent out January 31
st to gather statistical information for the previous year and special coverage information for both the previous and current years.

The Quarterly Remittance form is mailed to your firm on or near the first working day of the month following the end of the quarter. The ends of the quarters are March 31st, June 30th, September 30th and December 31st.

On the Quarterly Remittance form, you must report workers' actual quarterly earnings, calculate your assessment due and send in payment.

The reporting and payment deadlines are April 20th, July 20th, October 20th and January 20th. After the 20th, but before month end, a 5% late filing penalty will apply. Failure to submit the earnings report before month end will result in an arbitrary assessment and a 10% late filing penalty.

With the Quarterly Remittance Form, you will also receive an account statement that shows your account balance and all transactions for the past quarter. Account statements are also issued for each month if there is an account balance of $10.00 or more.

Late payment penalties are applied on outstanding balances as of the 20th of the month.

How would I submit payment to the WCB under the Quarterly Earnings Report Program?
Payment of WCB assessments, and the completed top portions of the Quarterly Remittance form and account statement must be received in the WCB office by:

First Quarter - April 20th
Second Quarter - July 20
Third Quarter - October 20
Fourth Quarter - January 20

Payment Options: Pay your quarterly assessment at any financial institution that accepts payment of utility bills. Please leave the completed top portions of your forms at the financial institution.

Mail or drop off your cheque (payable to the Workers Compensation Board) and the completed top portions of the forms to:

210-363 Broadway   
Winnipeg, MB R3C 3N9

Office hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday. After hours, please use the WCB mail slot at the back of the building at 333 Broadway (the location of the WCB's main office).

If you make a payment by telephone banking, please submit the completed forms (or the information required about workers' earnings) by:

  1. Fax to 954-4900 or toll-free 1-866-245-0796. Please keep a copy of your fax transmission confirmation report.
  2. Call Employer Services Division at 954-4505 or toll-free 1-800-362-3340, extension 4505.
  3. Mail or drop off the information at the above address.

Regardless of which method of payment and submission of your completed Quarterly Remittance form and account statement you choose, you are responsible to ensure both payment and workers' earnings information are received at the WCB by the due date indicated on your Quarterly Remittance form.

Once I make the switch to the Quarterly Earnings Reporting program, can I change back to the Annual Estimating Reporting Program if I'm not satisfied?
After your initial request to participate in the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program, you will remain in the program unless you notify us you wish to withdraw. You must participate in the program until the end of the calendar year.

If you do not wish to participate in the program for the following calendar year, you must notify us by the last working day of November, and you will return to the Annual Estimating Reporting program on January 1st, of the next year.

How do I get involved in this program?
As a registered employer: If you meet the annual earnings threshold and would like to participate in the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program, please call the Employer Services Division of the Workers Compensation Board at 954-4505 or toll-free 1-800-362-3340. We will send you an application form.

When we receive your application, we will contact you to explain how to reconcile your current year's estimated earnings to your actual earnings. We will also explain what you can expect using the new system. You will begin Quarterly Earnings Reporting January 1st of the following year.

As a new employer: When you contact our office to register as an employer and you feel you will meet the annual earnings threshold, you can request the Quarterly Earnings Reporting Program option. Your firm will participate in this program immediately. We will send you out a confirmation letter and a Quarterly Remittance Completion Guide. This guide provides detailed information on the program and provides instructions on how to complete the Quarterly Remittance Form.

This publication is provided for general information. For more specific information see The Workers Compensation Act of Manitoba and Regulations, available through Statutory Publications by calling (204) 945-3101. WCB Policies are available by calling (204) 954-4655.