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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How do I register for the Claims Online System?
What are the system requirements for the Claims Online System?
When can I use the Claims Online System?
I can't log on to the Claims Online System. What can I do?
How often do I have to change my password and how do I do it?
What passwords can I use?
Why can't I see all of the information on the screen?
Why can't I print all of the information on the screen?


How do I register for the Claims Online System?

The first step to gaining access to the Claims Online System is to become a registered user. For security purposes, there must be only one person in your organization who registers all of the users within your organization. This person will become the Organization Administrator for your organization. 

When the Organization Administrator phones the WCB Technical Support Team to register your organization’s users, they will need the name and phone number of all the users they wish to register and a challenge-response phrase.  If your firm is a registered employer with the WCB, you will also be asked for: 

  • the last reported Annual Estimated Earnings, or the last reported Quarterly Earnings
  • your WCB Firm Number
  • the WCB Industry Code and corresponding rate 

To register, phone the WCB Technical Support Team at 954-4803 in Winnipeg or toll free at 1-866-751-9245. A WCB Technical Support Team Member will help you register all of the users for your organization.

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What are the system requirements for the Claims Online System?

The system requirements for WCB’s Claims Online System include:

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (5.0 + recommended)
    (128-bit encryption version)
  • JavaScript enabled on your web browser
  • Cookies enabled on your web browser
  • Internet Account
  • 800 x 600 display resolution, 1024 X 768 display resolution recommended 

If your computer system does not meet any of the above requirements, a screen is displayed when you log on informing you of the minimum criteria and a list of messages that describe what part of your system does not meet the requirements.

While there is no minimum Internet connection speed required, faster connection speeds will provide better performance.

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When can I use the Claims Online System?

WCB’s Claims Online System and technical support is available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week (This availability level is subject to change).

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I can’t log onto the Claims Online System. What can I do?

Contact the WCB Technical Support Team at 954-4803 in Winnipeg or toll free at 1-866-751-9245.

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How often do I have to change my password and how do I do it?

For security purposes, you must change your password on your initial log on and every 12 months afterwards. You can also change your password anytime you want. Changing your password is a very simple process.

To change your password:

  1. Check the Change Password box on the Log On screen. (When you are required to change your password, the Change Password screen will automatically be displayed.) The Change your password screen will be displayed.
  2. In the Current Password field, enter your current password.
  3. In the New Password and Re-enter New Password fields, enter your new password. (If you have entered an invalid password, an error message is displayed at the bottom of the screen.)

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What passwords can I use?

The following list contains the password rules for the Claims Online System:

  • Use unusual passwords. Never use familiar names such as the names of your children or the name of your company as passwords. WCB's Web Security Policy makes the following points about password properties:
  1. Your initial password will be a randomly generated, 6-character password.
  2. You must change this initial password the first time you log on to the system.
  • The following table describes the rules for subsequent passwords:


Your password...

Your password cannot...

Must be between 6 and 16 characters in length and must be different from the previous 4 passwords you have used for this system.

Be equal to patterns consisting of 6 keys in a row on the keyboard (e.g., qwerty, asdfgh, etc.) or their capitalizations or shift representations.

Can be of mixed case (e.g., A and a) and can contain special characters (not including spaces).

Contain more than 3 identical consecutive characters in any position from the previous password.

Must contain a combination of at least two alphabetic, numeric, or special characters (e.g. 12345a, pswd#r, etc.).

Contain more than 2 consecutive identical characters.

Be of license plate number or postal code format.

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Why can't I see all of the information on the screen?

If the screen shows scroll bars, you may need to scroll up or down to view the remaining data.

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Why can't I print all of the information on the screeen?

You may need to adjust your page setup. Try changing the orientation to the landscape setting.

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