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News Release - Manitoba

May 1, 2008


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Allocated $39 Million In Year One, $48 Million More Allocated in Year Two Including Funds to Build First Manitoba Housing Multi-family Housing in 15 Years

Launched last April and centred on the three-year HOMEWorks! program, the province’s affordable housing strategy has allocated $39 million to build, rehabilitate or repair 1,366 housing units in the program’s first year, Family Services and Housing minister Gord Mackintosh announced today, adding $48 million will be allocated in this, the second year.
“With the support of the federal government, Manitoba’s low-income housing strategy is a key plank in our poverty-fighting agenda,” Mackintosh said. “In communities across this province, HOMEWorks! is already starting to enhance housing for low-income Manitobans after only one year.”
“The Government of Canada is delivering on our commitment to create affordable housing in Manitoba,” Treasury Board president Vic Toews said, on behalf of Monte Solberg, minister of human resources and social development.
As a result of funding commitments made in 2007-08, 722 housing units are being rehabilitated to help ensure they remain on the market as affordable stock and 316 units are being built with either HOMEWorks! or Affordable Housing Initiative funds. Of those units, 142 are designated for rent supplements so that tenants will pay reduced rent based on their incomes.  Seventy-five of the
316 new units are for homeownership and 24 are for co-op housing.  A total of 177 rental units will be run by non-profit organizations.
Under HOMEWorks!, the province is providing almost $3 million in capital funding and rent supplements for 20 new housing units with a focus on access for people with disabilities, constructed through Place Bertrand Housing Inc., a non-profit housing corporation associated with Ten Ten Sinclair Inc.
Built on land formerly owned by Manitoba Housing, the units will have mobility accessibility and incorporate universal design concepts in St. Boniface. Up to half of the units will receive rent supplement assistance to ensure they are affordable for low-income households including those on Employment and Income Assistance.
”In keeping with Ten Ten Sinclair’s values, we see Place Bertrand as a cluster of homes that are inclusive of all people ­– with and without disabilities,” said Don Onofriechuk, past-chair of Ten Ten Sinclair Housing Inc.  “We want to see and promote neighbourhoods that are inclusive of the diverse needs of our community.  Place Bertrand will be a great example of that.”
In 2008-09, 64 multi-family units will be built by Manitoba Housing in Brandon, The Pas and Thompson, the first in 15 years.  The allotment of $48 million this year is expected to again build, rehabilitate or repair a further 1,000-plus units.
Under HOMEWorks!, all newly-constructed and renovated units will be required to meet or exceed Manitoba Hydro’s Power Smart design standards or the Canada Green Building Design Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver designation.
In all new builds, Manitoba Housing will require and fund technical assessments in order to determine the feasibility for geothermal heating and cooling prior to deciding on what heating system to employ.
“Manitoba Housing is pleased to pilot these new environmental requirements for publicly-funded residential development, in partnership with Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines, as we work together to develop a provincewide, residential green building policy over the next year,” the minister said.
Up to $42 million over three years will be provided under HOMEWorks! through the off-reserve Aboriginal housing program Een Dah Aung.  A total of $8.5 million has already been allocated. After consultations with Aboriginal organizations, an initial call for proposals worth up to $16 million will be issued by a joint selection committee this spring.
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