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News Release - Manitoba

May 2, 2008


Planting trees and hosting environmental education sessions are among the activities young people in communities across the province are involved with to better understand the environment, Conservation Minister Stan Struthers said today, as he launched the 2008-09 Environmental Youth Corps (EYC) program.
“Our communities benefit from the enthusiasm and commitment of young people who work hard to make improvements we can all enjoy,” said Struthers.  “It’s a great way for youth to learn about environmental issues, to have some new adventures, gain hands-on experience and learn how individual efforts can make a difference.”
Projects must relate to environmental protection, enhancement, rehabilitation, conservation and resource management.  Under the EYC program, approved projects are eligible for up to $5,000 in financial assistance to cover project costs such as materials and supplies, equipment rental and transportation.  The first intake date for applications began today.  Other intake dates are June 6, July 4 and Sept. 26.
Science, Technology, Energy and Mines Minister Jim Rondeau noted the 1,300 tree and bush planting project being co-ordinated by the Girl Guides of Canada at the Sturgeon Creek bed in Optimist Park is a perfect example of local environmental action supported by EYC that helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
“Local action combined with the introduction of climate change legislation and the distribution of the province's climate change plan will help Manitoba reach its Kyoto objective by 2012,” said Rondeau.
Charitable and voluntary organizations, environmental organizations, service clubs, schools and local government organizations including municipalities, band councils and Aboriginal organizations can apply for funding support.
In 2007-08, EYC provided $158,700 to 79 projects involving over 5,900 youth around the province. The provincial Sustainable Development Innovations Fund provides funding to the EYC, the Waste Reduction and Pollution Prevention Fund, the Manitoba Climate Change Action Fund, and the Water Stewardship Fund.  Information on the EYC is available on request from the Manitoba Conservation Pollution Prevention Branch or online at
Tomorrow, Rondeau will join up to 300 Girl Guides of Canada at Optimist Park off Saskatchewan Avenue and Summit Road to celebrate International Earth Day with a tree-planting event.
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