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Wind farm at St. Leon, Manitoba

Manitoba leads the way in research and development of Clean energy

Clean energy, clean air — the Manitoba way

Manitoba continues to be a world leader in addressing climate change and developing clean energy. Our abundant, clean and renewable hydro resource is complemented by one of the continent's best wind resources. Research and development is ongoing in a variety of renewable and sustainable energy projects.

Hydro Power
A vast hydro resource provides Manitoba with clean, renewable electrical energy. New projects like the Wuskwatim Generating Station are being developed in partnership with local First Nations communities and are designed to have minimal environmental impact.

Manitoba is striving to meet future fuel needs by melding the innovations of agriculture and bio-energy — making improvements to our environment, and meeting the increasing demand for renewable energy. Manitoba has also developed a strategy to promote the use of ethanol and biodiesel — cleaner, more environmentally-friendly fuels.

Geothermal heat pump systems are among the most energy efficient, environmentally clean, and cost-effective heating and cooling systems available. Today, more than 900,000 North American units have been installed and Manitobans are one of the largest single geothermal user groups in Canada.

Wind Energy
Wind power is the world's fastest-growing energy source. Manitoba is blessed with a world-class wind resource and is currently developing this renewable opportunity for the benefit of all Manitobans.

For more information about Manitoba's Clean Energy initiatives, please visit the following websites:

Seeing Green —
Manitoba Hydro —

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