Manitoba coat of arms The Legislative Assembly of Manitoba Legislative Chamber
Status of Bills Search the Bills | Français 

Second Session, Thirty-Ninth Legislature

(November 20, 2007 —      )

For a printed copy of a Bill as distributed in the House, please contact Statutory Publications.   For current Manitoba laws, click here.

Government Bills
No. as distributed after 1st Reading as enacted
An Act respecting the Administration of Oaths of OfficeFORMAL BILL (not printed)
The Public Schools Amendment Act (Trans Fats and Nutrition) [pdf]  
The Highway Traffic Amendment Act [pdf]  
The Provincial Court Amendment Act (Family Mediators and Evaluators) [pdf]  
The Witness Security Act [pdf]  
The Securities Amendment Act [pdf]  
The Child and Family Services Amendment Act (Child Pornography Reporting) [pdf]
 • amendment(s) adopted at Committee Stage
The Phosphorus Reduction Act (Water Protection Act Amended) [pdf]  
The Protection for Persons in Care Amendment Act [pdf]  
10  The Legislative Library Act [pdf]  
11  The Optometry Amendment Act [pdf]  
12  The Securities Transfer Act [pdf]
 • amendment(s) adopted at Committee Stage
13  The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Damage to Infrastructure) [pdf]  
14  The Criminal Property Forfeiture Amendment Act [pdf]  
15  The Climate Change and Emissions Reductions Act [pdf]  
16  The Child Care Safety Charter (Community Child Care Standards Act Amended) [pdf]  
17  The Environment Amendment Act (Permanent Ban on Building or Expanding Hog Facilities) [pdf]  
18  The Testing of Bodily Fluids and Disclosure Act [pdf]  
19  The Liquor Control Amendment Act [pdf]  
20  The Gunshot and Stab Wounds Mandatory Reporting Act [pdf]  
21  The Advisory Council on Workforce Development Act [pdf]  
22  The Worker Recruitment and Protection Act [pdf]  
23  The International Labour Cooperation Agreements Implementation Act [pdf]  
24  The Public Schools Amendment Act (Cyber-Bullying and Use of Electronic Devices) [pdf]  
25  The Embalmers and Funeral Directors Amendment Act [pdf]  
26  The Legal Profession Amendment Act [pdf]  
27  The Shellmouth Dam and Other Water Control Works Management and Compensation Act (Water Resources Administration Act Amended) [pdf]  
28  The Strengthening Local Schools Act (Public Schools Act Amended) [pdf]  
29  The Business Practices Amendment Act (Disclosing Motor Vehicle Information) [pdf]  
30  The Crown Lands Amendment Act [pdf]  
31  The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Amendment Act [pdf]  
32  The Personal Health Information Amendment Act [pdf]  
33  The Salvation Army Grace General Hospital Incorporation Amendment Act [pdf]  
34  The Child and Family Services Amendment and Child and Family Services Authorities Amendment Act (Safety of Children) [pdf]  
35  The Statutes Correction and Minor Amendments Act, 2008 [pdf]  
36  The Municipal Assessment Amendment Act [pdf]  
37  The Lobbyists Registration Act and Amendments to The Elections Act, The Elections Finances Act, The Legislative Assembly Act and The Legislative Assembly Management Commission Act [pdf]  
38  The Balanced Budget, Fiscal Management and Taxpayer Accountability Act [pdf]  
39  The Court of Appeal Amendment Act [pdf]  
40  The Drivers and Vehicles Amendment, Highway Traffic Amendment and Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act [pdf]  
Bills sponsored by Private Members
No. as distributed after 1st Reading as enacted
200  The Waste Reduction and Prevention Amendment Act [pdf]  
201  The Phosphorus-Free Dishwashing Detergent Act [pdf]  
202  The Health Services Amendment and Health Services Insurance Amendment Act [pdf]  
203  The Liquor Control Amendment Act (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Prevention) [pdf]  
204  The Milk Prices Review Amendment Act [pdf]  
205  The Elections Amendment and Elections Finances Amendment Act [pdf]  
206  The Elections Amendment Act [pdf]  
207  The Manitoba Hydro Amendment Act [pdf]  
208  The Crown Appointment Review Act (Various Acts Amended) [pdf]  
209  The Personal Health Information Amendment Act [pdf]  
210  The Winter Spreading of Manure and Biosolids Prohibition Act [pdf]  
212  The Teachers' Pensions Amendment Act [pdf]  
214  The Labour Relations Amendment Act (Information in Employee's Language) [pdf]  
215  The Public Schools Amendment Act (Property Development) [pdf]  
216  The Personal Information Protection and Identity Theft Prevention Act [pdf]  
217  The Ukrainian Famine and Genocide Memorial Day Act [pdf]  
218  The Public Schools Finance Board Amendment Act [pdf]  
220  The Right to Timely Access to Quality Health Care Act [pdf]  
221  The Liquor Control Amendment Act (Liquor Vendor Siting) [pdf]  
222  The Business Practices Amendment Act (Disclosure of U.S. Lemon Vehicles) [pdf]  
223  The Non-Smokers Health Protection Amendment Act (Protecting Children From Second-Hand Smoke in Motor Vehicles) [pdf]  
224  The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Booster Seats) [pdf]  
225  The Highway Traffic Amendment Act (Bicycle Helmets) [pdf]  
226  The Social Inclusion and Anti-Poverty Act [pdf]  
227  The Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Reporting Act [pdf]  
228  The Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Act [pdf]  
229  The Manitoba Public Insurance Corporation Amendment Act (Elimination of Benefits for Auto Thieves) [pdf]