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The Manitoba Liquor Control Commission is committed to raising public awareness and education of alcohol related disabilities, such as Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The MLCC believes people should be able to enjoy alcohol products. But this enjoyment should never come at the expense of anyone's health and well being. That's why the MLCC is taking a leadership role in providing education and awareness information toward the prevention of prenatal alcohol exposure.

Alcohol-related disabilities caused by pre-natal alcohol exposure have no cure, but they can be prevented. Our newest social responsibility program, With Child - Without Alcohol is designed to address your questions about alcohol and pregnancy and Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) is a specific group of physical and behavioral birth defects found in children exposed to alcohol during a mother's pregnancy. Alcohol consumed during this time can damage a growing baby's brain, organs and body. This damage can affect how a baby thinks, acts, looks and learns as a child and an adult.

The medical and research communities have not been able to determine how much alcohol is safe to drink during pregnancy. For this reason, the MLCC advocates that no alcohol is best if you are pregnant.

To help raise public awareness of FAS, the MLCC has undertaken a number of initiatives, such as:

  • launching a public information awareness and education program called "With Child-Without Alcohol" that includes an information kit on alcohol and pregnancy;
  • printing the With Child-Without Alcohol message on liquor bottle bags and on cash register receipts in all Liquor Marts;
  • providing FAS information pamphlets in all Liquor Marts;
  • providing FAS warning signs and posters to all licensed establishments, Liquor Marts, liquor vendors and specialty wine stores for posting in washrooms and retail areas;
  • partnering on the "It's Good Business" responsible service beverage program that includes FAS awareness training for servers; and
  • assisting the Fetal Alcohol Family Association with funding for a Parent Support Group.

The MLCC also works in partnership with government and non-government organizations, such as Manitoba Healthy Child Initiative, the Interagency on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Effects and The Addictions Foundation of Manitoba to raise awareness of FAS issues.

For more information about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and related disorders, please visit the Resources/Publications section of our Website to view the With Child - Without Alcohol Information Kit, or to receive your own kit, call FAS Information Manitoba at 1-866-877-0050.

For further information on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and other alcohol-related disabilities call: 1-800-O Canada (1 800 622-6232) or check out




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Be UNdrunk
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
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About MLCC
Publications & Links

1555 Buffalo Place, P.O. Box 1023
Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada
R3C 2X1
Phone (204) 284-2501

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The contents of this site are copyright 1996-2005 Manitoba Liquor Control Commission. This site is intended for adults of legal age, and should not be used by minors without parental supervision or consent. Not all products mentioned are available at all MLCC locations.