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Frequently Called Numbers

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If you can’t find the number you are looking for here, you can contact Manitoba Government Inquiry by phone at 1-866-Manitoba (1-866-626-4862) or e-mail us

A - C     D - F     G - K     L - N     O - R     S - V     W - Z

A - C

Canada/Manitoba Business Service Centre (204) 984-2272


Companies Office (204) 945-2500


Consumers Bureau (204) 945-3800




• Provincial
(204) 945-3454

ext. – 3454

• Queen’s Bench (Divorce, Family matters)
(204) 945-0344

ext. – 0344

• Summary Convictions (Traffic violations)
(204) 945-3156

ext. – 3156

• Probate
(204) 945-3184

ext. – 3184

CRISP (Child Related Income Support Program) (204) 523-5230



* toll free in MB


D - F

Day Care (204) 945-2197


Driver Licences (204) 985-1100


Employment Opportunities (ACCESS 1-2-3) (204) 984-4636


Employment Standards(Wages, Termination/Lay-Off, Vacation Pay) (204) 945-3352


55 Plus (204) 523-5230


Flood Forecast (Water Branch) (204) 945-6698

* 1-800-282-8069
ext. – 6698

Forest Fire Hazard Information (204) 945-0086



* toll free in MB


G - K

• Insured Benefits (204) 786-7101


• Provincial Drug Program (Pharmacare) (204) 786-7141


Highway Permits (Overweight and Oversize) (204) 945-3961

ext. – 3961

Housing (subsidized, public) (204) 945-4663


Human Rights Commission (204) 945-3007


Immigrating to Manitoba (204) 945-6300


Insurance (Superintendent of) (204) 945-2542

ext. –2542


* toll free in MB


L - N

Land Titles Office (204) 945-2042

ext. – 2042

Legal Aid (204) 985-8500


Manitoba Public Insurance (204) 985-7000



* toll free in MB


O - R

Ombudsman (204) 982-9130


Parks (Provincial) Information (204) 945-6784


Personal Property Registry (204) 945-3123

ext. –3123

Public Trustee (204) 945-2700

ext. – 2700

Publications (Statutory Publications) (204) 945-3101


Residential Tenancies Branch (Landlord and Tenant Matters) (204) 945-2476


Road Condition Information (204) 945-3704



* toll free in MB


S - V

SAFER (Shelter Allowance for Elderly Renters)
SAFFR (Shelter Allowance for Family Renters)
(204) 945-2197


Securities Commission (Manitoba) (204) 945-2548


Seniors & Healthy Aging Secretariat (204) 945-6565


Student Financial Assistance (204) 945-6321


Student/Youth Employment (204) 945-3556

ext. – 3556

Taxation (Retail Sales, Payroll, Corporation Capital Taxes) (204) 945-6444


Tax Assistance Office (204) 948-2115


Tourist Information (204) 927-7838


Vital Statistics  


•  Birth, Death, Marriage Certificates & Name Change (204) 945-3701

ext. – 3701


* toll free in MB


W - Z

Workplace Safety & Health (204) 945-3446

ext. – 3446


* toll free in MB



Government Business Residents Tourism Services