Manitoba Intergovernmental Affairs and Trade
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CEO’s Message
The Need for Floodway Expansion
What is Floodway Expansion?

The Manitoba Floodway
Authority’s Role

The Project
History of the Floodway
Construction Status
Construction Tenders
Public Consultation
Public Liaison Committee
Channel Widening
Inlet & Outlet
Control Structures
Service & Utility Crossings
West Dike
City of Winnipeg
Floodway Operation
Water Levels
Highway and
Bridge Conditions
Employment &
Employment Equity
Aboriginal Set-Aside
Project Management Agreement
Recreation &
Access to Earth Initiative – 2007
Photo Gallery
Public Meetings
Flood Facts
Calendar of Events
Reports, Articles & Backgrounders

spaceThis site was last updated
spaceon April 14, 2008.

Welcome to Manitoba Intergorvernmental Affairs


This site is designed to give members of the public, community organizations, public officials and all interested parties an opportunity to learn more about one of the largest and most important infrastructure projects in Canada's history.

We will continue to update the website as our public consultation process continues and as the floodway expansion project proceeds.

New Press Releases:

April 14, 2008: 2008 Aboriginal Set-Aside Initiative Tender Plan Unveiled (276kb)

February 6, 2008: Public Reminded to Stay Away from Outlet Control Structure in Lockport as Floodway Construction Proceeds (40kb)

February 1, 2008: Three Contracts Awarded on the Floodway Aboriginal Set-Aside Initiative (52kb)

July 13, 2007: Floodway Authority Announces Successful Aboriginal Contractors to Undertake Work on Floodway Expansion Project (242kb)

Highway and Bridge conditions

Highway and Bridge Conditions:
Click here

employment & Training
Floodway Simulation Project

Flood Simulator:

Click to see Flood Simulation videos of a 1-in-700 year flood with the existing and expanded floodway.

Photo Gallery :

View our newest photos, as well as our photo gallery archive.

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