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Consumers' Bureau

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Consumers' Bureau

(Services are provided in French or English)

The Consumers' Bureau administers consumer protection legislation for the province of Manitoba. The statutes include: The Consumer Protection Act, The Business Practices Act, The Personal Investigations Act, The Charities
Endorsement Act
, The Hearing Aid Act and The Bedding, Upholstered and Stuffed Articles Regulation under The Public Health Act. In the course of our duties, we:

  • Licence companies and individuals that direct sell

  • Licence collection agents and register collectors

  • Certify hearing aid dealers

  • Authorize charitable fund raising

  • Register manufacturers and renovators of stuffed articles

The Consumers' Bureau hears, mediates and investigates consumer-related complaints. When the Bureau receives a complaint, it considers the rights and responsibilities of each party. Not all matters are covered by legislation. In those situations, the Bureau offers an opportunity to resolve the problem through a voluntary process of dispute resolution/mediation.