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Family Emergency Handbook
Table of Contents | Introduction | Severe Weather | Floods | Hazardous Material | Fire | First Aid | Checklists

A flood.Floods

Home and property flooding can occur anywhere in Manitoba. Being prepared for a flood can reduce potential harmful effects to your family and property.

Flood Warning Action:

  • Store fresh drinking water. Regular drinking water supply may become contaminated.
  • Install plugs in basement drains and check sewer backup valves.
  • Remove all chemical products from the basement and other flood prone areas.
  • Move personal belongings to upper floors.
  • Install sump pumps.
  • Contact local municipal authorities before diking buildings.
  • Contact your Agricultural Representative regarding the relocation of farm produce, livestock, poultry, etc.

During Flooding:

  • Turn off basement furnaces and the outside gas valve.
  • Turn off electrical power. If the area surrounding the switch is wet, stand on a dry surface and reach with a dry wooden stick.
  • Add 2½ litres of disinfectant (e.g. chlorine bleach) to basement floodwaters every two or three days.
  • If you suspect your drinking water is contaminated, purify it by boiling, using purification tablets or chlorinate with chlorine bleach.
  • Listen for flood instructions on a battery-powered radio.
  • Never attempt to cross flood areas on foot or in a vehicle. The water can be swift and you could be swept away.

If you must evacuate remember to take:

  • A flashlight, battery-powered radio, and extra batteries.
  • Waterproof outerwear and footwear.
  • Extra clothing.
  • Essential medicines and toiletries.
  • Personal documents and family identification.

[ Check out EMO's Flooding web page. ]

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