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Science, Technology, Energy and Mines

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Knowledge Enterprises Branch

Mandates, Strategies and Key Contacts at our Branch

About Us

As part of Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines the Knowledge Enterprises Branch is working in partnership with key stakeholders to develop an innovation environment in which Information & Communications Technologies (ICT)  and interactive digital media businesses can thrive. We are working with stakeholders to:

  • Create an environment fostering ICT and digital media business development.
  • Increase ICT and digital media research activity and the rate of technology commercialization.
  • Market the Manitoba ICT and digital media sector and attract ICT and digital media investment to Manitoba.
  • Foster a knowledgeable and growing ICT and digital media workforce.
Related Files

Knowledge Enterprises Branch Strategy
ICT Brochure
Interactive Digital Media Profile
Software and Computer Services Profile
Communications Technologies Profile
Electronics Profile

We recognize that innovation is critical to Manitoba's future economic success and we have built a long term plan to support knowledge based economic development through innovation. To that end, the department is carrying forward the vision contained within the Manitoba: at the Forefront of Innovation report. The Knowledge Enterprises Branch has a significant role to play in achieving the goals contained within this framework and we are working with the business, research and education communities to get there.

Key Contacts:

Knowledge Enterprises Branch
Manitoba Science, Technology, Energy and Mines
Government of Manitoba
259 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3B 3P4

Mr. Doug McCartney, Director
Science, Innovation and Business Development
Ph : (204) 945-6298
Fax: (204)945-3977
Ms. Cindy Hodges, Project Manager
Ph: (204) 945-6657
Fax: (204) 945-3977
  Information and Communications Technologies
Investment Promotion
Branch Communications

Ms. Angela Glesby, Program Manager
Ph: (204) 945-0589
Fax: (204) 945-3977


Ms. Linda English, Program Manager
Ph: (204) 945-3307
Fax: (204)945-3977

  Interactive Digital Media
Mr. Ellis Shippam, Industry Consultant
Ph: (204) 945-2441
Fax: (204) 945-3977
  Customer Contact Centres
Telecom Policy
Mr. Mark Zaluski, Industry Consultant
Ph: (204) 945-3807
Fax: (204) 945-3977
  Technology Commercialization Program
Feasibility Studies Program

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