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Manitoba Health

Emergency Medical Services

Manitoba’s emergency medical service (EMS) system operates within a larger provincial healthcare delivery system as a core health service of the Regional Health Authorities.

The primary role of EMS is to provide timely and safe response, medical assessment and treatment, and medical transport services to citizens and communities in Manitoba. The core services in the EMS system are Emergency Medical Dispatch, Emergency Medical Response and Medical Care, Emergency Medical Transport and Inter-facility Medical Transport. Emergency Medical Services is a key component of the health care continuum and is considered primary health care.

Land ambulance services are delivered by a combination of providers including the Regional Health Authorities and other service providers under an agreement with regional health authorities (e.g., municipalities, First Nation communities).

The air ambulance service providers include the provincial Lifeflight program (specialized air ambulance services operated provincially) and private air ambulance providers (basic air ambulance services).

The Manitoba Health Emergency Medical Services Branch provides provincial leadership and surveillance of the EMS system. The objective(s) of the Branch are:

  • To facilitate the development of regional emergency medical services that are delivered by the Regional Health Authorities.
  • For the benefit of Manitobans, to be responsible for the legislation and regulation of all aspects of health transport in Manitoba.
  • To coordinate the operation of the Lifeflight Air Ambulance program.


For more information, please contact:

Manitoba Health - Emergency Medical Services
Phone: (204) 945-5300