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Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Guidelines for Manitoba Local Government

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Disaster Preparedness - click here

Manitoba Health Emergency Services Branch - click here


Manitoba Emergency Management Organization

Office of Disaster Management

ODM staff in Emergency Operations Centre - 1680 Ellice Ave. in WinnipegThe primary mission of Manitoba Health's Office of Disaster Management (ODM) is to make sure the health sector is capable of providing a coordinated and effective response to the health needs of Manitobans during a disaster.  During a disaster, the ODM will facilitate the coordination of the health sector's activities with other levels of government, departments, agencies and organizations involved in the response.

The ODM provides a comprehensive preparedness program in support of this mission.  Before a disaster occurs, the ODM works with regional health authorities to identify hazards and reduce risks.  This is accomplished partly through activities that decrease the impact on the community or the frequency of hazards that cause damage.  The ODM and regional health authorities also work with local and provincial agencies to increase preparedness.  This helps the community become more resilient so everyone can respond better and recover faster when disasters occur.

Tools of the trade in Disaster ManagementThe ODM has prepared a Disaster Management Model for the Health Sector (PDF) to provide regional health authorities with advice on how to establish a comprehensive program.  Ongoing training and support, such as an All Hazards Assessment Model, help regional health authorities develop their plans and share best practices.

The ODM also coordinates work within Manitoba Health.  The Departmental Disaster Management Strategy creates a framework to allow important hazard assessment, risk management, preparedness and communications projects to proceed.  Staff from Manitoba Health are involved in making sure the department is able to fulfill its roles before, during and after a disaster.

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For more information please contact:

Manitoba Health
Office of Disaster Management
Unit 7 - 1680 Ellice Ave.
Winnipeg, Manitoba  R3H 0Z2
Phone:  (204) 945-1444
FAX:  (204) 948-2531


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