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Manitoba Pharmacare Program

Manitoba Pharmacare Program Information:

Pharmacare is a drug benefit program for any Manitoban, regardless of age, whose income is seriously affected by high prescription drug costs.

Pharmacare coverage is based on both your total family income and the amount you pay for eligible prescription drugs.  Each year you are required to pay a portion of the cost of your eligible prescription drugs.  This amount will be your annual Pharmacare deductible.  Pharmacare sets your deductible based on your annual family income.

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You qualify if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You are eligible for Manitoba Health coverage.
  • Your prescriptions are not paid through other provincial or federal programs.
  • Your prescription costs are not covered by a private drug insurance program.
  • Your eligible prescription drug costs exceed your Pharmacare deductible.

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There are two ways to apply.  The recent advancements in electronic data exchange technology now make it possible for Manitoba Health to verify income information directly from Canada Revenue Agency.  Therefore, the Pharmacare Program is now able to implement a system whereby Manitobans do not have to apply to Pharmacare for benefits on an annual basis.

Option A--One-Time Enrolment

The revised application system affords Manitobans the choice of a one-time program enrolment.  The one time program enrolment eliminates the need to submit, on an annual basis, a completed application form that includes validation of income.  In addition, the revised system facilitates an electronic data exchange to establish the annual deductible on April 1 of each benefit year.  Canada Revenue Agency electronically forwards to Manitoba Health the most recent income information available; i.e., 2006 income level will determine the annual Pharmacare deductible for the 2008/2009 benefit year.  In short, Manitobans are no longer required to annually submit a Pharmacare application along with income verification.

Please note that you may make application to the program anytime during the benefit year April 1 to March 31.  Manitobans that choose to withdraw from the one time program enrolment must do so in writing to the Provincial Drug Programs.

Option B - Annual Application

Fill out and sign both the Consent and Declaration sections of the new Pharmacare Application and Consent Authorization Form and send it to Manitoba Health along with copies of your 2006 Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment indicating the total income shown on line 150.

To register for coverage, you must re-apply each year.  The Pharmacare benefit year is April 1 to March 31.  You may apply any time during the benefit year.  March 31, 2009 is the last day to submit applications for the 2008/2009 benefit year.

Commonly-Asked Questions for Option B

What is a Notice of Assessment?

The Notice of Assessment is a summary of your tax information sent to you by Canada Revenue Agency after your tax return is processed.  It will be attached to your refund cheque or statement.

My tax information is confidential.  Why do you need a copy of my Notice of Assessment?

Pharmacare is an income-based program and requires this information in order to verify and process your application.  Pharmacare has taken the necessary steps to protect your privacy and the confidentiality of your personal information.

My spouse and I file our taxes together on one return.  Do we have to send you anything different?

Pharmacare requires proof of your spouse's income.  One acceptable document is a copy of the Canada Revenue Agency Schedule 2 "Amounts Transferred From Spouse," from your working copy of your tax return.

What if my Notice of Assessment has been lost or destroyed?

You may contact Canada Revenue Agency for a certified printout at (204) 984-3188 or toll free 1-800-808-4278.  The certified printout should indicate the amount on line 150.

If you file a joint income tax return with Canada Revenue Agency:

(1)    you must indicate this to Canada Revenue Agency when requesting a certified printout for you and your spouse, and 

(2)    Canada Revenue Agency will require identifying information for both spouses before they will release your spouse's information. 

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Click here to download the new Pharmacare Application and Consent Authorization Form

(Note:  to view this file, you must have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.  If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, please click here:

Download FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader

The completed authorization can be forwarded to the Provincial Drug Programs, 300 Carlton Street, Winnipeg, MB R3B 3M9 or faxed to (204) 786-6634.

In the event that you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Provincial Drug Programs at (204) 786-7141 or toll free at 1-800-297-8099.

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What happens when I become 18 years of age?

You receive your own Manitoba Health registration certificate.  You should fill in a Pharmacare application and send it to Manitoba Health for processing.  Pharmacare will send you a letter confirming your deductible.

Does the computer system still keep track of my drug history?

Yes, this is an important function of the computer system also known as DPIN (Drug Programs Information Network).  The system checks each prescription against your drug history to help protect you from adverse drug interactions.

What do you mean by deductible?

Once your application has been approved, Pharmacare will send you a letter confirming your deductible.  The portion is the amount you pay.  Once you have reached your deductible, Pharmacare will pay for 100% of your eligible prescription drugs.  Your deductible will be tracked by the DPIN system automatically.  It is not necessary to send Pharmacare a cheque.

How does my pharmacist know when I meet my deductible?

The Pharmacare system still updates your prescription records on the DPIN.  It keeps track of the amount you pay for eligible prescription drugs.  Once your application is processed, your deductible is set and the computer will tell the pharmacist the amount you must pay.

What do you mean by an eligible prescription drug?

An eligible drug is one that is covered by Pharmacare.  If you are unsure whether your prescription is eligible you should ask your pharmacist or doctor, or contact Pharmacare.

What do I do with my receipts that I get from the pharmacy?  Do I send them to Pharmacare?

No, although you may wish to keep the receipts for your records.  Some individuals have private insurance or may claim medical expenses on their income tax.  If you are not sure, contact Pharmacare.  The only time you should send us your receipts is when the prescription information could not be sent by the computer:  for example, if you have prescriptions from outside Manitoba but within Canada.

Can my Pharmacare deductible be changed if my income has dropped this calendar year?

A provision is included in The Prescription Drugs Cost Assistance Act, which allows for an adjustment to be made to the Pharmacare deductible in the event that a family's income is reduced by greater than 10% in the 2008 calendar year. The reduction of income from 2006 to 2008 must exceed 10%.

Families with an income change, greater than 10%, should complete a 2008/2009 Pharmacare Benefit Year Projected Income Worksheet.  Families who qualify for an amendment to their 2008/09 Pharmacare must complete the Projected Income Worksheet and return it to our office along with required supporting documentation.  For more information on how to "project" your income, please call our office.

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Click here to download the 2008/2009 Pharmacare Projected Income Worksheet.

Click here to download the Projected Income Worksheet

Please note:  you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the above PDF document.  If you do not have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, please click here:

Download FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader

For more information about the 
Manitoba Pharmacare Program,
please contact:
Manitoba Health
Provincial Drug Programs
(204) 786-7141
or toll-free at
E-mail:  pharmacare@gov.mb.ca

When contacting us via e-mail, please do not send us your Personal Health Information Number (PHIN) for security reasons--any information you attempt to submit is not secure and could be observed by another party while in transit.


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