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The Property Registry

Land Titles Office

Signing dates as of: 9:00 am Friday, May 2, 2008

Winnipeg: April 28, 2008
Brandon: April 28, 2008
Portage: May 1, 2008
Morden: April 30, 2008
Neepawa: April 30, 2008
Dauphin: April 30, 2008

Registered Winnipeg documents on microfilm up to 3594900.

The microfilm number is the registration number for the most recent document which has been microfilmed by this office. When you request a copy of such a document, it will be provided to you by a print from the microfilm. When you order a copy of a document which has not yet been filmed, you will be given a photocopy from the original of the document.

The signing date is the date when most of the documents which have been registered on that date have been processed. Titles which result from those registered documents are issued and are "signed" into force. This is only an approximate date and there will be documents registered on or before the signing date that may still be pending final processing after the signing date.


We keep all records of land ownership and survey plans. In Manitoba we provide a registry where interests in land (such as a mortgage or caveat) may be recorded. Are you buying or selling a house? We register the documents that change ownership of the real estate property and guarantee the results.

Do you want to place a lien or file a notice against a specific property ? Do you want to order a copy of information set out in a title? We can record your documents or forward you the copy of a document already registered.


General Inquiries (Winnipeg)
Address: 276 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0B6

Phone: (204) 945-2042
Fax: (204) 948-2140