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Public Utilities Board

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Public Utilities Board

What we do...

We regulate a number of Manitoba public utilities:

  • We regulate the rates charged by Manitoba Hydro (electrical utility), Manitoba Public Insurance (auto insurance), some gas or propane utilities (Centra Gas, Stittco, Swan Valley Gas Corp.) and all water and sewer utilities outside Winnipeg.
  • We license owners and agents under The Cemeteries Act and funeral directors under The Prearranged Funeral Services Act.
  • We supervise the construction and operation of natural gas and propane pipelines, and make sure that gas and propane are safely distributed to Manitoba consumers.
  • We register brokers of natural gas under the Public Utilities Board Act.

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How you can reach us...

General Inquiries Address:
Room 400, 330 Portage Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3C 0C4

Phone: (204) 945-2638
Toll Free: 1-866-854-3698 (in Manitoba)
Fax: (204) 945-2643

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