GNWT Department of Finance



YELLOWKNIFE (July 13, 2005) – A review of the Northwest Territories Liquor Act  is being undertaken by the Government of the Northwest Territories. The review will identify methods to improve liquor legislation by making it more flexible and adaptable to the needs and priorities of Northwest Territories residents.

Finance Minister Floyd Roland announced the review today saying, “A lot of work has been done to prepare for a thorough review of the NWT Liquor Act. It is important to me that the public has an opportunity to provide their thoughts and suggestions during this process. Changes occurring as a result of this review will enable the government to better serve all northerners.”

Members of the community will be able to provide their input through a series of public meetings across the territory in September and October of this year. In the meantime, the public is encouraged to visit the Liquor Act   Review website for more information and a copy of the Discussion Guide at

The Liquor Act  Review report is scheduled for delivery to Minister Roland in early December and will be released to the public. It is hoped recommendations springing from the report and associated research will be presented to Members of the Legislative Assembly for their consideration early in 2006.

For more information, contact:

Julia Mott
Coordinator, Cabinet Communications
Tel: (867) 669-2304

or email: