GNWT Department of Finance



YELLOWKNIFE (January 25, 2006) – “Improving Liquor Legislation in the NWT - Final Report of the 2005 Liquor Act Review” was released today by Government of the Northwest Territories Finance Minister, Floyd Roland. Minister Roland commissioned the review in April 2005, asking for input from stakeholders, licensees, communities and the general public. Changes arising from the review will result in legislation designed to be more flexible and better suited to the needs and priorities of Northwest Territories residents.

“ I am pleased with the thoroughness of the report,” said Minister Roland. “A number of recommendations on amendments to the Act have been made, which I will be reviewing carefully with my colleagues in the Legislative Assembly. Following that discussion, the next step will be to draft amendments to the Liquor Act. I would like to thank all participants for their input during the public consultation process,” Minister Roland concluded.

The Department of Finance is accepting comments on the report until February 28, 2006. The report is available at

It is anticipated that a bill amending the NWT Liquor Act could be introduced in the Legislative Assembly by early 2007.

For more information, contact:

Julia Mott
Coordinator, Cabinet Communications
Tel: (867) 669-2304