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Fact Sheet

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day gives the people of Manitoba the opportunity to pay tribute to the memory of those who have died, cherish those who have suffered injury, and recognize those who dedicate themselves to the protection of freedom and human dignity.

It is a day for Manitobans to remember those who fought in the two world wars, the Korean War, the Gulf War and ongoing international peacekeeping activities.

Who is allowed to work on Remembrance Day?

Most industries in Manitoba are not allowed to operate on November 11.  Exceptions include:
  • hospital employees
  • hotel and restaurant employees
  • police, firefighters, security officers
  • power engineers, janitors
  • child care, home care and domestic workers
  • workers who do emergency repairs
  • workers who supply heat, gas, light, electrical services or water
  • workers who transport goods or passengers on railways, aircrafts, motor vehicles, (including vehicle rental agencies)
  • workers caring for perishable products or live animals, (including animal hospitals)
  • workers in  dairy or milk processing plants
  • bakery workers, for baking only
  • employees in continuous operation businesses, (except a retail business)
  • workers in meat packing plants (some restrictions)
  • employees in registered brokerage houses who business for clients on stock exchanges outside Manitoba
  • workers conducting commemorative or religious services
  • employees at newspapers, telecommunication carriers, television or radio stations and cable companies
  • workers in the farming industry

Are restaurants and hotels allowed to be open on Remembrance Day?

Yes, restaurants and hotels are allowed to be open on Remembrance Day. A restaurant includes street vendors, kiosks, coffee shops, patios and indoor restaurants. This type of business is not restricted on Remembrance Day.

Are retail stores and services allowed to be open?

Retail businesses may operate on Remembrance Day but cannot be open between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.

What is a retail business?

Most businesses that sell goods or services are considered retail businesses. This includes trades people and employees of or professional services, rental companies, arenas and businesses charging admission to performances such as movies, concerts, theatre, exhibits and sporting events.

Can any retail business be open between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.?

No, all retail businesses must be closed unless they sell or provide:
  • prepared meals or goods and services connected to living accommodations
  • professional health services
  • veterinary services
  • drugs, medicines, surgical appliances, or infant formula
  • gasoline, motor oil, or related products
  • vehicle parts or services for emergency repairs only

When November 11 falls on a Sunday, what rules do stores need to follow on Remembrance Day?

When Remembrance Day is a Sunday retail businesses must follow both the Remembrance Day legislation and the Sunday Shopping legislation. Therefore in communities that allow Sunday shopping, retail businesses may be open between 1:00 pm and 6:00 pm on Remembrance Day.

Are performances allowed?

Yes, performances such as theatre, concerts, sporting events and movies are allowed on Remembrance Day except between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.. They cannot be produced, prepared, or conducted between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. unless they are directly related to a Remembrance Day commemorative or religious service.

Are employees who do not work on Remembrance Day entitled to be paid?

No, while it is a common practice for employers to pay employees who do not work on Remembrance Day, they are not required to.

When employees work on Remembrance Day what are they paid?

Although Remembrance Day is not a general holiday, the calculation to pay an employee who works on Remembrance Day is the same as for general holidays. Employees who work must be paid 1 1/2 times their regular wage for all hours worked, plus 5% of their earnings in the 28 days before Remembrance Day. Further information on calculating a regular day’s pay can be found on the General holiday page.

Is there a minimum employees must be paid for working on Remembrance Day?

Employees who work are entitled to be paid for at least half of a regular work day, at 1 1/2 times their wages. For example, employees who normally work an eight-hour day, but work two hours on Remembrance Day, would be paid four hours at 1 1/2 times their wage, plus a regular day of pay (eight hours).

Are employees in all industries paid 1 1/2 times their wages for hours worked on Remembrance Day?

When employees work on Remembrance Day their pay must be calculated in the same way as on a general holiday. In some industries such as gas stations, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, places of amusement, continuously operating plants, seasonal industries (excluding construction) and domestic service can receive another day off with pay instead of 1 ½ times the wages earned that day. See the General holidays page for details.

Can employers substitute another day for Remembrance Day?

No, Remembrance Day is November 11 and the rules apply for that day. If employers wish to treat Remembrance Day as a General Holiday and provide an additional day off they can, but they are not required to do so.

For more information contact the Employment Standards Branch:

Phone: 204-945-3352; or toll free in Manitoba 1-800-821-4307
Fax: 204-948-3046

This is a general overview and the information used is subject to change. For detailed information, please refer to current legislation including The Employment Standards Code, or contact the Employment Standards Branch to ask for advice

Date Published: March 3, 2008


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