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Life's Great Outdoors

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Life's Great Outdoors

Parks and Natural Areas 
Watchable Wildlife 
Adventure & Ecotourism 
Master Angler Program 

 Parks and Natural Areas

Manitoba's Provincial Parks offer some of the province’s most inspiring, challenging and rewarding visitor experiences.  Use the provincial online Parks Reservation System to book your Campsite, Cabin, Yurt or a Site for Group Use through the Internet.  Manitoba is also home to two of Canada’s national parks – Riding Mountain National Park in the Parkland region to the west and Wapusk National Park bordering the Hudson Bay in northern Manitoba; each provides a unique range of visitor experiences along with spectacular wildlife.  Visit the Parks Canada website to find out more. If you are a camping enthusiast, the Manitoba Association of Campgrounds and Parks provides a wealth of useful information to help you plan your camping excursion.

Watchable Wildlife

Manitoba is an ideal place for wildlife viewing.  From Oak Hammock Marsh to Riding Mountain National Park to Polar Bear Capital Churchill, you will be charmed by the variety of wildlife species and world-class experience of wildlife viewing.  Highlights are Polar Bear and Beluga Whales in Churchill, Red-sided Garter Snakes in Narcisse, Trumpeter Swan and numerous kinds of waterfowl in Oak Hammock Marsh, Endangered Piping Clover and Hackberry in Delta Heritage Marsh, Black bear and Bison in Riding Mountain National Park and Periphery, White Faced Ibis and a variety of birds in Whitewater Lake, a variety of reptiles in Spruce Woods Provincial Park, the Great Gray Owl, Manitoba’s provincial bird, in Whiteshell Provincial Park, and Moose in Hecla-Grindstone Provincial Park.

Visit Wildlife Viewing for more information.

Master Angler Program

Manitoba is home to the oldest master angler program in North America, 45 years and going strong.  Last year alone, more than 28,000 trophy fish from 30 qualifying species were caught and recorded.  The Travel Manitoba website connects you to all the information you need to become a Master Angler


Your Manitoba country vacation is just a few clicks away! The Manitoba Country Vacations Association will provide you with ideas and information about a whole range of vacation opportunities in rural Manitoba.


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