Backing in Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Backing Your Vehicle Into a Parking Spot

Backing out of a parking spot can sometimes be a little stressful and in some cases, dangerous. That's why there are many benefits to backing your vehicle into a parking spot.

When backing out of a parking spot you are entering an active traffic zone and because of the vehicles parked next to you, your line of sight is obstructed.

Backing In DiagramHowever, if you drive out of the parking space, you'll be able to see on-coming traffic much better, because you won't have to pull out as far before you can see what's coming.

It’s easier and safer to back into a space on your right.

  1. Locate a space on your right.  Check traffic, mirrors and right blind spot.  Be alert to the possible movement of any parked vehicles.  Move to the left to leave about a car width between you and the back of the parked cars.

  2. Activate the right turn signal.  Signal your intention to stop by flashing your brake lights at least 3 times.  Stop when the rear of your vehicle is lined up with the centre of the vehicle parked after the empty space.

    2a. Assume the position for “backing-into-a-right-turn”.

  3. Apply gentle pressure to the accelerator.  Aim at the centre of the space, steering sharply to the right.  Glance to check clearance on both sides of the space.  Steer to the left to straighten out.  

    You may have to advance straight ahead and back into the space again to centre your vehicle.

Give the "backing in" method a try for a while. Once you get used to it, you'll find leaving the parking space into the traffic flow much easier.

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