Cruise Control Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Cruise Control

Cruise control has become more common over the years. It's especially handy for controlling speed on the highway. What you may not know is that using the cruise at the wrong time can be dangerous.

Cruise control is meant to be used when road conditions are ideal. On a slippery surface, cruise control can cause a sudden front wheel or rear wheel skid.

Using the cruise control is like keeping your foot on the accelerator. If you're driving in the winter on dry streets and hit an icy section, the drive wheels will spin, and before you realize what has happened, it may be too late.

And it's not just a winter problem. On the highway, during a heavy summer rain, cruise control can cause hydroplaning, especially if you drive across a patch of deep water.

Cruise control is not just for giving your accelerator foot a rest. It's an excellent tool for controlling your speed, which makes you less likely to speed inadvertently and makes you a safer driver.

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