Driver Distractions Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Driver Distractions

One of the biggest driver distractions these days is cellular phones. You are four times more likely to crash when you combine cell phones with driving. If the phone rings, let the call go to voice mail. If you absolutely need to talk, pull over first, or use a hands-free feature.

Another cause of distraction is adjusting the radio or loading a compact disc while driving. These actions make you six times more likely to crash than just glancing down at your speedometer. Wait until a red light to make your stereo adjustments.

The number one distraction happens outside the vehicle.

Roadside accidents, or friends in other vehicles can easily take your attention away from driving.

Outside distractions account for almost 30% of all "at fault" fatal collisions.

Other common distractions include:

So do your eating, smoking and grooming outside the vehicle. And when you're behind the wheel.... just drive.

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