Drowsy Driving Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Drowsy Driving

drowsy drivingThe summer season brings higher accident rates. One of the reasons for this is increased highway travel as we enjoy our cottage or beach areas. Alcohol consumption also factors in, but it's not only alcohol that can impair a driver.

Feeling sleepy in the driver's seat is a major impairment. And when combining drowsiness with a small amount of alcohol, a driver with a blood alcohol level within legal limits is in danger of falling asleep at the wheel.

Research shows those people who sleep only 6-1/2 hours a night are twice as likely to doze off while driving, than those sleeping 8 hours.

Direction of travel can also make a difference--driving into the setting sun can be very dangerous. If you're not well-rested, arrange for an alternate driver who is.

Cold or flu medications taken by someone who has had a drink and is already tired, is a deadly combination on the highway. Remember, a great summer day in the sun isn't over until you're safe at home.

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