Driving Etiquette Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Driving Etiquette

You've heard the term "one good turn deserves another." That's also true when driving. Proper driving etiquette can be contagious. If you let someone in to the traffic flow, they'll probably do the same for someone else down the road.

Most people often let people in, if they're signaling, but they expect at least a thank-you wave, and are frustrated when they don't get one.

A polite acknowledgement is often forgotten when a driver is in a hurry. Allowing more time to reach your destination will make you a safer and more courteous driver.

Aggressive driving is dangerous and it puts others in danger as well.

People get nervous when a car cuts too close in front of them without signaling, especially when there’s an infant in the car.

When you can see both headlights of the car you passed in the centre rear-view mirror, it’s safe to pull back into the right lane.

Trying to cut corners to get through traffic faster doesn't save you--it just gets you to the next red light a little sooner.

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