Head-on Collisions Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Head-on Collisions

Here's the scenario. You're driving along on a busy undivided highway, and for some reason a car approaching you from the other direction drifts into your lane. Is a head-on collision inevitable? It doesn't have to be.

head on collisionsThe first thing you should do in this situation is reduce your speed--take your foot off the gas and, if there's time, flash your headlights to get the attention of the other driver. You never want to go left. The most common reaction of other drivers, once you get their attention, is to move back into their own lane. You need to be moving to the right--not left. Use the shoulder on the right side if there is one. If there isn't, the ditch is a better option than a head-on collision.

Just remember to slow down as much as possible before leaving the roadway. Try to develop good defensive driving habits by practicing the 'what if' game occasionally. As you are driving down the highway, imagine what you would do if a car suddenly swerved into your path.

Scanning far down the road will alert you to vehicles in your lane much sooner and give you more time to slow down or avoid a crash.

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