Highway Courtesy
Driving on Multi-lane Roadways

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Highway Courtesy: Slower Traffic Keep Right

One of the most common complaints from drivers, especially those who use the highway a lot is that slower traffic doesn’t always stay in the right lane. Traffic flows much better on multi-lane roadways if slower traffic stays to the right.

keep rightThis isn’t just a courtesy to the drivers behind you. It shows up in the Highway Traffic Act, which says if you’re traveling under the speed limit and slower than the flow of traffic you must be in the right lane, unless you’re passing or you have an upcoming left turn.

By driving under the speed limit in the left lane and not overtaking the traffic in the right lane, you are disrupting the traffic flow and frustrating the drivers behind you. And that creates a dangerous driving situation.

On the highway and on higher speed routes in the city slower traffic should be in the right lane unless passing.

Here are a couple things to remember when you do decide to pass:

So stay right except to pass or make a left turn. And remember, it's not legal to exceed the speed limit, even when you are passing.

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