Impaired Driving
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Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Impaired Driving

Impaired drivers are among the most dangerous, unpredictable individuals on our roads and account for about half of all traffic fatalities in Manitoba.

That’s why, in this province, the penalties for drinking and driving are severe.

Manitoba’s tough laws apply to all motor vehicles including off-road vehicles and heavy and agricultural equipment.

There are plenty of reasons not to drive after you've been drinking--the most important one--you could lose your life, or take someone else's. Here are a few more reasons to stay sober behind the wheel.

You’ll be fined, and possibly jailed. If you are convicted of an alcohol-related driving offence under The Criminal Code you will be suspended and disqualified from driving. A conviction will result in a court-imposed Canada-wide driving prohibition for a minimum of one year. You may also have your vehicle impounded for a minimum of 30 days. All of this will impact your personal and professional life.

A great option is to plan ahead. If you've been drinking, you are much less likely to make a logical decision on your ability to drive home. That's why it's important to make a plan not to drive at all if your socializing includes alcohol.

You can do your part to help prevent other people from driving while impaired.

When you host a party, you can take steps to discourage guests from driving home if they’ve had too much to drink:

A little inconvenience and embarrassment (theirs, not yours) are far better than risking impaired driving.

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