Mandatory Stops Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Mandatory Stops

There are many situations where an intersection doesn't require a stop sign, but does require you to stop. These are called mandatory stop locations, and they may be more common than you think.

Here’s a typical example of a mandatory stop location. You’re leaving a parking lot, and there's no stop sign. You need to stop anyway--if you don't you'll be breaking the law. The laws says, even if there is no stop sign, you must come to a complete stop coming out of a back lane, parking lot or driveway.

It's not just a law, it's common sense and it’s safer too. Stopping at these locations gives you time to take an extra glance for traffic on the street you are entering or pedestrians in the area.

If there's a sidewalk, stop before it to allow pedestrians and other sidewalk users to cross... If there's no sidewalk, stop before the edge of the roadway.

So there may not be a stop sign at a back lane, or a parking lot. But these are mandatory stop locations and you are required to stop anyway.

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