Off Road Recovery Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Off-Road Recovery

What's the safest way to get back onto the highway after unintentionally drifting onto a gravel shoulder?

An abrupt movement back onto the highway could cause your vehicle to cross the centre line into the path of on-coming traffic. Many head-on collisions occur as a result of over-correcting.

It's also important to know that your wheels will have uneven traction because two are on pavement and the other two are on gravel--so don't hit the brakes.

Grip the steering wheel firmly and ease off on the accelerator, while slowing down gradually.

After slowing down to a manageable speed, use your mirrors to check for traffic behind you, signal and ease back onto the pavement, being careful not to cross the centre line.

If the drop-off to the shoulder is steeper than usual, slow down even more and steer back onto the pavement at an even sharper angle.

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