Gravel Roads Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Gravel Roads

Gravel roads are a fact of life for rural Manitoba drivers. But, since urban Manitobans head to the lakes in rural Manitoba, they are often a fact of life for city dwellers, too.

Gravel roads present their own special road safety challenge. The issue is traction.

Driving on loose gravel is harder than driving on pavement because your tires don't have the traction needed to give you stable control. Throw speed into the mix, and you have a formula for trouble.

Construction materials, weather, traffic volumes, and vehicle weights can change a gravel road's condition very quickly.

That's why it's so important to approach gravel roads with caution each and every time you encounter one. It may not be the same road you traveled this morning.

There are specific driving behaviours you can adopt that can help decrease your risk.

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