Sideways Skids Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Sideways Skids

Winter driving presents many challenges. One of the most common is skidding. Combine a lack of traction with a sudden change in acceleration, hard braking, or a sudden change in direction, and chances are you'll end up in a skid.

When your vehicle starts to slide, here's what you need to know?

If the front wheels are skidding while you're trying to turn, you lose directional control. In other words, the vehicle will continue in a straight line, possibly into oncoming traffic or an intersection.

If this happens:

These steps also apply in the case of a rear wheel skid, when the back of your vehicle slides towards the outside of a curve (fishtail).

Loss of control causes many fatalities every winter. so know what to do if this happens to you.

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