Turn Signals Video

Driving Tips > The 60-Second Driver

Turn Signals

A major complaint by drivers is about other drivers who don't use turn signals.

By failing to use your turn indicator, you're not only frustrating the drivers around you-you're putting yourself and others in danger. And you're breaking the law. The law states that whenever your vehicle deviates from a direct line, you must use the turn indicator.

There's also the safety aspect to keep in mind. If you're changing lanes, turning or just pulling over, it's important to signal your intentions to other drivers whether they're behind or ahead of you.

There's something else many drivers don't know.the use of turn signals is also mandatory when entering the flow of traffic from the curbside.

Failing to signal can lead to fines and demerits on your driver's licence. If you use your turn signals you'll be safer, and you'll be displaying courtesy to the drivers around you. There's no excuse for not using your indicators-they come as standard equipment on all vehicles.

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