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Veteran Licence Plates 


A Veteran Licence Plate is available to any person who has honourably:

 NWT Veteran Licence Plate
  • Served in the Armed Forces of Canada, the Commonwealth or its wartime allies for a minimum of three years.
  • Served in the Merchant Navy or Ferry Command during wartime.
  • Performed NATO service of Peacekeeping mission(s) with the Armed Forces of Canada.
A Veteran Licence Plate is only permitted to be registered in the name of the veteran.  Joint registrations are not permitted, nor is the Licence Plate transferable to another individual.

Applying for your Veteran Licence Plate

If you are eligible, complete the application form (downloadable in PDF format) and submit with supporting documentation to your local branch of the Royal Canadian Legion in the NWT.

The application is forwarded to the Northwest Territories / Alberta Command of the Legion for certification.  Certified applications are then forwarded to the Department of Transportation's Road Licensing and Safety Division headquarters.

Once approved, the client is notified that he or she may attend their local issuing office and complete a transaction for a Veteran Licence Plate registration, new issue, or exchange.
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