
Budget Documents

There are a number of different documents that are completed as part of the Government of the Northwest Territories’ budget cycle. The following documents are part of the cycle:

To begin the cycle, The Standing Committee on Priorities and Planning of the Legislative Assembly, conducts pre-budget consultations for NWT residents to voice their opinions on Government operations and budgets. The Government of the Northwest Territories prepares a Response to the Pre-Budget Consultation Report.

Business Plans are developed in support of government priorities for the upcoming 3-year time frame and include resources required to achieve the stated objectives. Areas of program measurement are also included in the Business Plans.

The Main Estimates is the culmination of the business planning process and approval of the Main Estimates establish the individual Departmental budgets, or appropriations, for the upcoming fiscal year, which is from April 1st to the following March 31st.

Supplementary Appropriations increase Departmental budgets on a one-time basis for the fiscal year in which they are approved. Generally, the Legislative Assembly considers the Supplementary Appropriations four times per year.

The Results Report is completed annually and “close” the budget cycle. Departments prepare an update on the areas of measurement that were stated in the Business Plans.