
Welcome to the Financial Management Board Secretariat Website

The Financial Management Board Secretariat, Government of the Northwest Territories is established under the direction of the Chair of the Financial Management Board. The Financial Management Board Secretariat is the central agency that supports the Minister of Finance in his/her role as Chair of the Financial Management Board (FMB). While organizationally a part of the Department of the Executive, the Financial Management Board Secretariat is a self-contained entity headed by a Deputy Minister level civil servant, the Secretary of the FMB. The Secretary of the FMB is also the Comptroller General of the GNWT.

The vision of the FMBS is that the financial and information resources of the GNWT are acquired and utilized efficiently, effectively and economically with integrity, and prudence, to achieve, communicate and report on the government’s goals and results.

To achieve its vision the Financial Management Board Secretariat mission is:

“Working together with departments, and under the direction of the Financial Management Board, the Financial Management Board Secretariat is jointly responsible for the management and control of the financial and information resources of the GNWT, ensuring that these resources are managed in an efficient, effective and economical manner.

The core business of the Financial Management Board Secretariat is to attain a highly competent level of financial and information management through the GNWT and its boards and agencies. The Secretariat does this largely by:

  1. Provision of a comprehensive and effective framework of policies, procedures and systems that are well understood and used by departments and agencies to achieve the effective, efficient and economic acquisition, custody and use of financial, knowledge and physical resources.
  2. Provision of a comprehensive and relevant accountability framework and reporting system that meets internal and external user needs for decision making and evaluation relative to government and agency operations, performance and financial position.
  3. Provision of high quality and relevant advice to internal decision makers relative to the management of the government’s financial, knowledge and physical resources.

The Financial Management Board Secretariat includes:

The office of the Secretary of the FMB / Comptroller General is responsible for the overall direction of the Financial Management Board Secretariat including the planning, administration and other support functions necessary to further the Secretariat’s mandate.

The Policy and Planning section is responsible for efficient management of financial planning, policy, communication and records management functions for the Financial Management Board Secretariat.

The Office of the Chief Information Officer is responsible for corporate level strategic planning relative to the government’s information resources and the implementation of key strategic initiatives.

The Budgeting and Evaluation Division is responsible for development of the GNWT budgeting processes, coordinating the development of multi-year and annual budget, development of budget monitoring and control systems, development of corporate financial polices and directives and analysis and assessment of the draft legislation from the aspect of resource implications.

The Government Accounting Division is responsible for development, dissemination and monitoring of the financial and accounting polices and procedures of the government and the systems required for the management of the government’s financial resources.

The Audit Bureau Division is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value to and improve the GNWT’s operations. The audit function helps the GNWT accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluating and improving the effectiveness of risk management, internal controls, and governance processes.