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Daylight Time
Central Daylight Time is in effect in all parts of the province for a six-month period beginning the first Sunday in April and ending the last Sunday in October. Clocks move ahead one hour in April and back one hour in October when Central Standard Time returns to the province.

Temperatures average 62-75°F or 17-24°C in June to 45-65°F or 8-18°C in September. July and August are the warmest months with average maximum temperatures reaching the high 70°s and 80°s F, or high 20°s and low 30°s C. Winter is cold and crisp with temperatures averaging 8-30°F or -13 to 0°C.

Temperatures by Region
Northern Region - Churchill Average Maximum Average Minimum
ºC ºF ºC ºF
May 3 36 -5 23
June 17 63 7 45
July 17 63 7 45
August 16 59 7 45
September 9 48 2 36
October 1 34 -4 25

Southern Region - Winnipeg Average Maximum Average Minimum
ºC ºF ºC ºF
January -13 7 -24 -11
February -10 14 -21 -6
March -2 27 -12 7
April 10 48 -2 28
May 19 64 5 41
June 23 73 10 52
July 26 79 13 55
August 25 77 12 54
September 19 64 6 43
October 11 54 0 34
November 0 32 -9 16
December -10 16 -19 -2
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