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Government of Manitoba

Manitoba is one of ten provinces in Canada. It is governed in matters of federal jurisdiction by the Parliament of Canada, as outlined in Section 91 of the Constitution Act, and in matters of provincial jurisdiction by the provincial Legislature as outlined in Section 92 and 93 of the same Act. The government of the province, as provided in the Manitoba Act is organized on the parliamentary system with a unicameral Legislature, as follows:
The Lieutenant-Governor is the official representative of the Queen in Manitoba. Lieutenant-Governors cannot initiate legislation, but their assent must be given to all Acts and Orders in Council. By convention, this assent is rarely refused.

The Legislative Assembly consists of 57 elected members (Members of the Legislative Assembly or MLA), each of who represent a specific geographical area known as a constituency. The normal practice of the Lieutenant-Governor is to call upon the recognized leader of the political party with the largest number of members elected to form a government. The Premier and his Ministers, who comprise the Executive Council and are responsible to the legislative Assembly, determine government policy. The Lieutenant-Governor upon the recommendations of the premier appoints the members of the Executive Council. Each is placed in charge of one or more departments for administrative purposes. Upon appointment, these MLAs are referred to as Ministers and are responsible for the full administration of the department within the limitations of the relevant statutes.

Travel Manitoba
7th Floor - 155 Carlton St
Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 3H8
1-800-665-0040 | 1-204-927-7800
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